Why choose HealthCare Realty Group for Healthcare Commercial Real Estate?

HC Realty Group holds incredible national notoriety as we have been in the business since 2005. In that time, we have seen significant growth in the number of properties under our management. Our experience has also positioned us to adequately steer all aspects and complexities that are common in Healthcare commercial real estate by equipping us with:

  • Proficiency in matters of regulatory compliance.
  • Excellent relationships with hospitals and healthcare systems.
  • An understanding to be compassionate by also considering patients’ experiences.
  • Partnerships with superior operators, financial institutions, researchers, and developers.

We also have a team of professionals experienced enough to see the value in relationships and reputation and fervent commitment to maintaining them when it comes to Healthcare Commercial Real Estate sector.

What We Do for Healthcare Commercial Real Estate Clients

1. Tailor Services Based On Client’s Needs

Every opportunity comes with risks. In healthcare commercial real estate, there are complexities involved, and we deeply understand the risks you may face if you get mixed up in such complexities. We also appreciate the diversity of requirements relative to the variety of clients. We are equipped to work exclusively for you as we will other clients.

2. Match Clients To Appropriate & Complimentary Opportunity

As a capital-intensive business that medical real estate is, we match our clients only to those opportunities that generate the highest relative returns on investment. We assess our clients’ portfolios to make informed recommendations to expand their holdings. We ascertain our client’s goals, identify their needs and desires, and use our experience to research and find the best market rates for leases and sales.

3. Investment Sales

If they need us, we will help move our clients’ properties forward by using our top-level marketing strategies to market them. Together with them, we will work to ensure that our clients’ market shares skyrocket beyond their expectations. We stay aware of the changing market so that we are well informed of the leading medical estate investors in the country. That way, we always have current information on interest rates, as well as the availability of capital. Therefore, we’ll efficiently and effectively carry out impeccable sales and achieve maximal results from these transactions. We are equipped with the tools, research, and analytics to properly market our clients’ properties. We deliver maximum value to hospitals, healthcare systems, and physicians who trust us with their real estate holdings. Contact us for investment Sales services here – Florida Investment Sales For Medical Offices (hcrealtygroup.com)

4. Project Management

We also focus on creating long-term value for our clients by providing complete scale management services as far as project development is concerned. We adeptly manage new construction and renovation projects from beginning to end for developers and owners. Our clients needn’t worry about the direction of our attention because they can rest assured that we specialize only in the healthcare sector of commercial real estate. Therefore, our energy is directed towards tailoring their projects to fit their healthcare real estate needs.

5. Property Management

We not only see our client’s projects from start to finish but also provide Property and Facilities Management Services (PFMS). Our PFMS is of such excellent quality that it will amplify the investment values of our clients, deliver top-notch healthcare tenant-focused services, and support the growth of their businesses. If our clients are healthcare providers, we’ll focus on the real estate part of your business while they focus on patient care.

To achieve our client’s goals, we follow a process that has stood the test of time due to how we improve it to fit the present times. Our process is as follows.

6. Analysis

We can quickly and effectively analyze by following our checklist, which includes

  • Setting Project Timeline.
  • Establish location parameters.
  • Generate Occupancy Cost Budget (OCB).
  • Identify goals and objectives.

7. Market Evaluation

Following our analysis, we,

  • Perform market surveys
  • Identity market opportunities
  • Explore the market with our clients

8. Solution Appraisal

Here, we

  • Narrow top prospects
  • Procure proposals
  • Plan for space
  • Establish the cost of construction.

9. Negotiation and Documentation

We conclude with Negotiation and Documentation.

HealthCare Realty Group for Healthcare Commercial Real Estate

Do You Need A Healthcare Real Estate Specialist?

  • Flow With Current Trend

Outpatient clinics and procedures will soon take over inpatient procedures because the healthcare sector is constantly and rapidly changing. Such a takeover is supported by evolving technology, increased affordability, and desired convenience provided by those outpatient centers – micro-hospitals, ambulatory and urgent care centers, walk-in or retail clinics, health villages, and freestanding EDs. These outpatient centers have grown to offer more than their traditional cost-effectiveness; they now provide patient-focused care and better outcomes. Investing your properties or acquiring properties to be used in healthcare commercial real estate will grow your market share and maintain quality patient care. At HC Realty Group, we not only help you achieve all that but do so in a way that leaves your investment sustainable.

  • Patient’s Desire For Autonomy

As a result of the pandemic, patients have grown to desire more autonomy than ever in their care. This is seen more in ambulatory services. These patients want to benefit the same from healthcare as they continuously do from other product providers not in the healthcare systems. These benefits include convenience, affordability, on-demand access, and quality. If healthcare providers cannot provide these benefits, they will lose their patients. Therefore, HC Realty Group helps healthcare providers secure a property that will give their patients what they are looking for. HC Realty Group will also match you, the property owners, to willing and long-term buyers and leasers.

  • Need For Asset Liquidity In Challenging Times

There’s also the need for healthcare providers to convert and conserve their capital by going liquid. Hospitals and healthcare systems are significant owners of properties. These real estate properties owned by hospitals and healthcare systems can be converted to cash, conserving liquidity on developments. Therefore, there will be a significant increase in their ROI. In these trying times, hospitals and healthcare systems need to cut down time and money spent on in-person care and put it to greater use in other areas that demand it, such as their delivery systems. In simpler terms, hospitals and healthcare systems are unnecessarily asset-heavy in times that require them to be asset-light.

At HC Realty Group, we have experts that will help those hospitals and healthcare systems to liquidate their assets into cash and reinvest it in other areas that will yield a higher return on investment. Such investment opportunities include new hospital equipment and technology, physician group acquisition, and service line expansion.

There continue to be opportunities for investors in the Healthcare Commercial Real Estate sector. Let us be your guide through this labyrinth of complexities, and we promise we will not let you down.